LOL Surprise! Outrageous Millennial Girls Remix - Honeylicious
Have a fabulous time unboxing the LOL Surprise! Outrageous Millennial Girls Remix - Honeylicious.
She has stunning features, beautiful, styled hair, and her own fly style. She's the big sister to fan favourite LOL Surprise! character, Honey Bun. Honeylicious includes 2 complete fashion looks – but her 2nd outfit got remixed!
Unbox the full-size record and play it on her record player packaging. It really plays a Honeylicious' hip hop piece of a surprise song! Then, get her ready for the show.
Collect her BFF, Lonestar (sold separately), to complete her look just in time to take the stage! She also includes her magazine with the lyrics to her piece of the song. Collect all the lyric sheets from the entire LOL Surprise! Remix line to reveal the whole song or mix & match lyrics to create your own Remix.
Product features:
Includes: 1x fashion doll, 2 fashion looks, 1x pair of shoes, shoebox, accessories, hat box, hair brush, garment bags, doll stand, record, lyric magazine and record player package that plays music
Unbox 25 Surprises!
She has stunning features, styled hair and articulated limbs for tons of poses
Honeylicious comes with 2 fashion looks, but her 2nd outfit got remixed with her BFF, Lonestar. Collect both to complete her look (sold separately)
Hands are removable for easy dressing
Unbox Honeylicious' full-size record that really plays music on the package. Play the record to reveal Honeylicious' hip hop piece of a surprise song
Suitable for ages 6 years +